Restore Vocational Training in Somalia


the Flag of somalia in the world map

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) mbH in cooperation with the Internationaler Bund (IB) has been implementing the project Reconstruction of Vocational Education and Training in Somalia for several years. 

The project is implemented in Hargeisa (Somaliland), Garowe (Puntland), Kismayo (Jubbaland) and in the capital Mogadishu. The measure includes various labor market-oriented qualification offers. 

This is done through three fields of action: 

In field of action 1, competencies of selected vocational training centers are improved and thus labor market-oriented training programs are implemented. Certain vocational training centers in the project regions are supported in implementing training and further education programs. 

In field of action 2, the quality of training programs for selected occupational profiles is increased through the implementation of modular training programs. 

In the third field of action, the content-related prerequisites for labor market-oriented vocational training are created. To this end, structure-building units are being developed for the establishment of a uniform vocational training system in Somalia.

The Internationaler Bund (IB) implements the first field of action in cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. It includes the areas of awareness raising, vocational guidance, school management and school development.

Interim status of impacts and results

A steering group with representatives from almost all Somali states has been established. Somaliland sees itself as an independent state and has formed its own advisory group. However, Somaliland is not recognized as an independent state under international law. The task of the steering group is to promote policy dialogue, provide input to the project, advise it, exchange information on project progress, make suggestions to project management, and receive and discuss evaluation results. The Somalia Steering Group decided that all objectives of the EU launch phase of the project have been completed. Furthermore, a strategy for further action was adopted. 

In Somaliland, Puntland and Jubaland, one vocational training center each was selected to be restored during the course of the project. 

At the sub-state level, an advisory group was set up in each case, which meets at regular intervals. Employment and labor market analyses were conducted in the respective sub-states. They also provide information on existing and necessary job profiles. A total of six occupational profiles were defined for short- and long-term training.

Two study trips to Germany were aimed at getting to know the dual vocational training system and its players and, based on this, developing a vision for Somalia. Members of the German government, members of the regional government of the Benadir region and Somaliland as well as representatives of the private sector participated.

Rosina Dittrich | +49 69 94545 190 |

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